Latin and Greek Derivations
Many of these combining forms may be used as either prefixes or suffixes. They are listed here, in alphabetical order, first those most commonly used as prefixes, then those commonly used as suffixes. Examples show current usage.
Prefixes |
Derived From |
Meaning |
Example |
a-, ab- |
Latin |
off, from, down, away |
abduct, avert |
a-, an- |
Greek |
not, without, less |
abiotic, anaerobic |
actin- |
Greek aktis |
a ray, beam, spoke |
actin, actinomycete |
ad- |
Latin |
to, attached to |
adsorption |
aer- |
Greek |
air |
aerobic |
amphi- |
Greek |
both, about, around |
amphibian |
ana- |
Latin |
away, through, again |
analysis |
andro- |
Greek |
man, male |
androgens |
angio- |
Greek |
a vessel, closed container |
angiospermae |
anthropo- |
Greek |
referring to man |
anthropology |
ant-, anti- |
Greek |
against, away, opposite |
antibiosis |
ante- |
Latin |
before |
anteroom |
ap-, aph-, apo- |
Latin |
from, off, separate |
apogee |
aqua- |
Latin |
water |
aquatic |
arche-, archeo- |
Greek |
ancient, primitive |
archeology |
arthri-, arthro- |
Greek arthron |
joint, jointed |
arthritis, arthrospore |
asco- |
Greek askos |
bag, sack, bladder |
ascospore |
aureo- |
Latin aureus |
gold coloured |
aureomycin |
auto- |
Greek autos |
self |
autoimmune |
Prefixes |
Derived From |
Meaning |
Example |
bi- |
Latin |
two, twice, double |
bipolar, binocular |
bio-, bios- |
Greek |
related to life |
biology, biocidal |
blasto- |
Greek blastos |
an embryonic layer or cell |
blastomere |
brachy- |
Greek |
short |
brachycephalic |
brad-, brady- |
Greek |
slow, slowness |
bradycardia |
bry-, bryo- |
Greek bryon |
moss, mossy |
bryophyte |
calic-, calix- |
Latin |
cup-like |
calyx |
cani-, canis- |
Latin |
dog |
canine |
cardia- |
Greek kardia |
heart |
cardiac |
carn- |
Latin carnis |
flesh |
carnivore |
carp- |
Latin carpalis |
wrist, bones |
carpel |
cata- |
Greek |
decomposition, degradation |
catabolism |
cell- |
Latin cella |
small room |
cellular |
cephal- |
Latin |
head |
cephalic |
chloro- |
Greek chloros |
green, containing chloride |
chlorophyll |
chroma-, chromo- |
Greek |
coloured |
chromosome |
chron-, chrono |
Greek chronos |
time |
chronometer |
circum- |
Latin |
around, near, about |
circumnavigate |
coel- |
Greek koilos |
hollow cavity, belly |
coelom |
col-, com-, con- |
Latin |
with, together |
combine, collide |
contra- |
Latin |
against |
contradict |
crypto- |
Greek kryptos |
hidden |
cryptogamic |
cyano- |
Greek kyanos |
dark blue, blue-green |
cyanobacteria |
cyst- |
Greek kystis |
bladder |
cystitis, cystidium |
cyt-,cyte-,cyto- |
Greek kytos |
cell, a hollow vessel |
cytology |
de- |
Latin |
undoing, removal of, from |
dehydration |
den-, dent- |
Latin dens |
tooth |
dentition |
dendro- |
Greek |
tree |
dendrochronology |
derm-, derma- |
Greek |
skin, hide |
dermatitis |
deut-, deutero- |
Greek |
second, secondary |
deuterium |
di- |
Greek |
double, twice, two |
disaccharide |
dia- |
Greek |
through, across |
diameter |
diplo- |
Greek |
twofold, double |
diploid |
dis- |
Latin |
apart, away |
dissolve |
dorm- |
Latin |
to sleep |
dormant, dormitory |
drom-, drome- |
Greek |
a running, racing |
dromedary |
Prefixes |
Derived From |
Meaning |
Example |
e-, ec- |
Latin |
out, out of |
efferent |
eco- |
Greek oikos |
house, environment |
ecology |
ecto- |
Greek ektos |
outside |
ectoderm |
en-, endo- |
Greek endon |
within, internal |
endoskeleton |
entero- |
Greek enteron |
intestine |
enterocolitis |
entomo- |
Greek entoma |
insect |
entomology |
eo-, eos- |
Greek |
the dawn |
Eocene, Eohippus |
epi- |
Greek |
upon, above, top |
epidermis |
erythro- |
Greek |
red |
erythrocyte |
eu- |
Greek |
proper, true, good |
Eukaryotic, eufungi |
ex- |
Latin |
out, from |
excise |
exo- |
Greek |
outer, external |
exoskeleton |
extra- |
Latin exter |
outside of, beyond |
extracellular |
flagell- |
Latin flagrum |
whip, whip-like |
flagellum |
fuc-, fuco- |
Greek phyktos |
seaweed, algae, lichen |
fucoxanthin |
gamo- |
Greek gamos |
sexual union |
gamogenesis |
gastero-,gastro- |
Greek gaster |
stomach, belly |
gastroenteritis |
geno- |
Latin gene |
origin, development |
genotype |
ge-, geo- |
Greek |
earth |
geology |
glu-, glyco- |
Greek |
sweet, sugar |
glucose, glycogen |
gon-,goni-,gono- |
Greek |
reproductive, sexual |
gonorrhea |
gymn-, gymno- |
Greek gymnos |
naked, bare |
gymnosperm |
gyn-,gyne-,gyno- |
Greek |
woman, female |
gynecology |
halo- |
Greek hals |
salt |
halophile |
haplo- |
Greek haploos |
single |
haploid |
heme-, hemo- |
Greek haimo |
blood |
haematologist |
hemi- |
Greek |
half |
hemisphere |
hepta- |
Greek |
seven |
heptane |
herb- |
Latin herba |
pertaining to plants |
herbicide |
hetero- |
Greek |
different, other, unlike |
heterozygous |
hex-, hexa- |
Greek |
six |
hexagonal |
hipp-, hippo- |
Greek hippos |
horse |
hippodrome |
histo- |
Greek histos |
tissue |
histology |
holo- |
Greek holos |
whole, entire |
holoblastic |
homeo, homo- |
Greek |
same, similar, like |
homogeneous |
hyal-, hyalo- |
Greek hyalos |
glassy, transparent |
hyaloid |
hydr-, hydro- |
Greek |
pertaining to water |
hydrolysis |
hyper- |
Greek |
above, more, over |
hyperactive |
hypo- |
Greek |
below, less, under |
hypodermic |
Prefixes |
Derived From |
Meaning |
Example |
ichthy-,ichthyo- |
Greek |
referring to fish |
ichthyology |
inter- |
Latin |
between |
intercellular |
intra- |
Latin |
within, inside |
intracellular |
intro- |
Latin |
inward, within |
introvert |
iso- |
Greek |
equal, same |
isotonic |
kine- |
Greek |
movement, moving |
kinetics |
leuc-, leuk- |
Greek |
white |
leucocyte |
lycan- |
Greek lykos |
wolf |
lycanthropy |
macro- |
Greek |
large, big, long |
macromolecule |
man-, manu- |
Latin |
hand |
manual |
mastig- |
Greek mastigos |
whip |
mastigophora |
meg-, mega- |
Greek |
great, large |
megabyte |
melan-,melano- |
Greek |
black, dark |
melanin |
mero- |
Greek merus |
part, piece |
meroblast |
mes-, meso- |
Greek mesos |
middle, in between |
mesoderm |
met-, meta- |
Greek |
later, following, changed in position or form |
metamorphosis |
micro- |
Greek mikros |
small |
microbiology |
milli- |
Latin |
a thousandth part |
millimetre |
mio- |
Greek meion |
less, smaller |
Miocene |
mito- |
Greek mitos |
thread |
mitosis |
mon-, mono- |
Greek |
one, single |
monocular |
morph- |
Greek |
shape, form |
morphology |
mor-, mort- |
Latin |
die, death |
mortality |
muc-, muco- |
Latin |
consisting of many units |
multicellular |
mus- |
Latin |
mouse, as one running |
muscle |
myco-, mykos- |
Greek |
fungus, mushroom |
mycology |
myo- |
Greek mys |
muscle |
myoglobin |
myxo- |
Greek |
slime, mucus |
myxomycetes |
nemato- |
Greek |
thread, threadlike |
nematode |
ob- |
Latin |
against |
obtuse |
octa- |
Greek |
eight |
octopus |
olig-, oligo- |
Greek |
few, small, less |
oligarchy |
omni- |
Latin |
all, everywhere |
omnipotent |
oo- |
Greek |
pertaining to an egg |
oocyte |
ophthalmo- |
Greek |
referring to the eye |
ophthalmologist |
opisth-,opistho- |
Greek |
behind, backwards, back |
Opisthobranchia |
orni-, ornitho- |
Greek |
bird |
ornithology |
orth-, ortho- |
Greek |
straight |
orthodontist |
osteo- |
Greek |
bone |
osteocyte |
oto- |
Greek |
referring to the ear |
otology |
ova-,ovi-,ovul- |
Latin |
egg |
ovary, oviduct |
Prefixes |
Derived From |
Meaning |
Example |
paleo- |
Greek |
old, ancient |
paleontology |
para- |
Greek |
beside, near, beyond |
parasitism |
path-, patho- |
Greek |
disease, suffer |
pathogenic |
ped-, pedi- |
Latin |
foot |
pedicure |
penna-, pinna- |
Latin |
feather, feathery |
pinnate |
pent-, penta- |
Greek |
five |
pentagon |
per- |
Latin |
through |
pervade, peruse |
peri- |
Greek |
around, surrounding |
perimeter |
pher- |
Greek |
bearing, carrying, support |
pheromone |
phil- philo- |
Greek |
loving, attracted to |
philanthropy |
phob- |
Greek |
fear, fearing |
phobic |
photo- |
Greek |
pertaining to light |
photosynthesis |
phyco- |
Greek |
seaweed, algae |
phycology |
phylo- |
Greek |
tribe, race, related group |
phylogeny |
phyto- |
Greek |
pertaining to plants |
phytohormone |
plasm-, plasma- |
Greek |
formative substance |
plasmablasts |
plati-, platy- |
Greek |
flat |
platypus |
pleio- pleo- |
Greek |
more, many |
pleiomorphic |
pod-,poda-,podi- |
Greek |
foot |
podiatrist |
poly- |
Greek |
many |
polyhedron |
post- |
Latin |
after |
postnatal |
pre- |
Latin |
before |
prenatal |
preter- |
Latin |
beyond |
preterhuman |
prim- |
Latin |
first |
primary |
pro- |
Greek |
before, on behalf of |
proboscis |
pro- |
Latin |
forward |
progressive |
proto- |
Greek |
first, primary |
protozoa |
pseudo- |
Greek |
false |
pseudopod |
psilo- |
Greek |
bare, mere |
psilopsida |
pteri-, ptero- |
Greek |
fern, feather |
pteridophyte |
quadr-, quadri- |
Latin |
four |
quadruped |
radi- |
Latin |
ray, spoke of wheel |
radial |
re- |
Latin |
back, again |
repeat |
retro- |
Latin |
backward |
retroactive |
rhiz-, rhizo- |
Greek |
pertaining to roots |
rhizoids |
rhod-, rhodo- |
Greek |
a rose, red |
rhodopsin |
rota- |
Latin |
wheel |
rotate |
Prefixes |
Derived From |
Meaning |
Example |
sapr-, sapro- |
Greek |
rotten, putrid, dead |
saprobe |
sarc-, sarco- |
Greek |
flesh, fleshy |
sarcoma |
schiz-, schizo- |
Greek |
split, splitting |
schizophrenia |
se- |
Latin |
apart |
secede |
semi- |
Latin |
half |
semicircle |
soma-, somato- |
Greek |
body |
somatic |
sperma-,spermato- |
Greek |
seed |
spermatozoa |
sporo- |
Greek |
spore |
sporophyte |
staphylo- |
Greek |
bunch of grapes |
staphylococcus |
stoma- |
Greek |
mouth |
stomata |
strepto- |
Greek |
twisted, string of |
streptococcus |
sub- |
Latin |
below, under, smaller |
subapical |
supra-, super- |
Latin |
above, over |
supernova |
sym-, syn- |
Greek |
together, with |
synthesis |
taxi-, taxo- |
Greek |
to make order, arrangement |
taxonomy |
tel-,tele-,telo- |
Greek |
distant, end |
telophase |
terra-, terre- |
Latin |
land, earth |
terrestrial |
tetra- |
Greek |
four |
tetrapod |
therm-, thermo- |
Greek |
heat |
thermometer |
thigmo- |
Greek |
touch |
thigmotropism |
trans- |
Latin |
across, through, over |
transfer |
tri- |
Latin |
three |
triangle |
tricho- |
Greek |
hair |
trichogyne |
triplo- |
Latin |
triple |
triploid |
troche-, trocho- |
Greek |
wheel, hoop |
trochophore |
tropho- |
Greek |
nourishment |
trophoblast |
ultra- |
Latin |
beyond, exceedingly |
ultraconservative |
uni- |
Latin |
consisting of one |
unicellular |
vice- |
Latin |
in place of |
vice-president |
vid-, vis- |
Latin |
see |
vision |
xen-, xeno- |
Greek |
dry, desert |
xerophyte |
zoo- |
Greek |
animal, life |
zoology |
zyg-, zygo- |
Greek |
to join together |
zygote |
Suffixes |
Derived From |
Meaning |
Example |
-biosis |
Greek |
mode of living, way of life |
symbiosis |
-blast |
Greek |
formative, embryonic |
mesoblast |
-chaeta-, -chete |
Greek |
a bristle |
Polychaeta |
-chrome |
Greek |
colour |
cytochrome |
-cidal, -cide |
Latin |
killer, a killing |
fungicide |
-cocci, -coccus |
Greek |
round, seed, kernel |
Streptococcus |
-cyst |
Greek |
pouch, sac |
trichocyst |
-dactyl |
Greek |
finger |
pentadactyl |
-derm, -dermis |
Greek |
skin, layer |
epidermis |
-elle, -ule, -la, -le, -let, -ole |
Latin |
small, diminutive endings |
globule, piglet |
-emia |
Greek |
blood disease |
anemia |
-fer |
Latin |
bearer, producer, carry |
conifer, transfer |
-gamous, -gamy |
Greek |
marriage, sexual fusion |
polygamy |
-gen, -geny |
Greek |
origin, production |
progeny, hydrogen |
-genesis |
Latin |
origin, development of |
embryogenesis |
-gony |
Latin |
something produced |
cosmogeny |
-graph |
Greek |
drawing, writing |
chromatograph |
-hedral, -hedron |
Greek |
side |
polyhedral |
-hydrate |
Greek |
compound of water with another substance |
carbohydrate |
-ism |
Greek |
act, practice or result of |
terrorism |
-ite |
Latin |
a division or part |
somite |
-itis |
Greek |
inflammation or infection |
appendicitis |
-jugal, -jugate |
Latin |
to yoke, join together |
conjugate |
-logy |
Greek logos |
science or study of |
biology |
-lysis, -lytic |
Greek |
loosening, separation, splitting into smaller units |
photolysis |
-mer, -merous |
Greek meros |
a part, piece |
polymer |
-meter |
Greek metron |
a measurement |
diameter |
-morph |
Greek |
form |
endomorph |
-mycin |
Greek |
derived from a fungus |
aureomycin |
-nomy |
Greek |
systematized knowledge of |
astronomy |
-oma |
Greek |
tumorous |
carcinoma |
-osis, -otic |
Greek |
abnormal condition, disease |
neurosis |
-phage |
Greek |
eater |
bacteriophage |
-phase |
Greek |
a stage or condition |
metaphase |
-phor, -phore |
Greek |
bearing, carrying, supporting |
sporangiophore |
-phyll |
Greek |
leaf |
chorophyll |
-phyta, -phyte |
Greek |
plant |
epiphyte |
-plasm |
Greek |
formative substance |
cytoplasm |
-plast |
Greek |
organized particle, granule |
choroplast |
-pod, -poda |
Greek |
foot |
arthropod |
-some |
Greek |
body |
chromosome |
-stasis |
Greek |
a stationary position |
homeostasis |
-stat, -static |
Greek |
stationary, still |
thermostat |
-stomy |
Greek |
opening into |
colostomy |
-therm |
Greek |
heat |
homoeotherm |
-thes, -thesis |
Greek |
arrangement, in order |
hypothesis |
-tom, -tomy |
Greek |
dividing, surgery |
lobotomy |
-trope, -tropic |
Greek |
turning |
phototropic |
-vor, -vore |
Latin vorare |
feeding |
carnivore |
-zoa,-zoan,-zoic |
Greek |
animal, life |
protozoa |
You may also be interested in Douglas Harper’s Online Etymology Dictionary, which provides ‘explanations of what our words meant and how they sounded 600 or 2,000 years ago’ at